What is a Spirit Guide ?

batalo2Spirit Guides

What is a Spirit Guide ?
Batolo Speaks

Batolo's Last Incarnate

Many know me as Batolo. Later, I will discuss in detail how I became a spirit guide and what it means to be one.

Let me begin my story with details from my last incarnation. It occurred many years ago, so long ago that the concept of an airplane was unknown to people of my time.

I was born in the region now known as Africa, where I lived with my relatives and tribe members in the mountains. The trees and creatures of the woods were my first friends.

At a young age, my grandfather taught me to love and respect all living things. He often said that it was God's creation and a gift to all of His children.

Family of Healers

My grandfather and father were healers who possessed spiritual knowledge unknown to most people.

Connecting with the spiritual realm and calling upon earth's invisible protectors, including plant or animal spirits, was not extraordinary; it was a part of our daily life.

Becoming A Healer

Apart from learning the various aspects of survival, the secrets or mysteries of the spirit realm were paramount to my schooling.

Although I did not possess material wealth or a scholarly education, as defined by your modern standards, I was blessed with divine guidance of spiritual mysteries and comprehension.

I became a healer at an extremely young age. My paternal grandfather performed my initiation.

My spiritual growth progressed as I continued to receive more guidance from the spiritual realm.

People from neighboring villages would travel to our village to attain healing.

My entire life was devoted to doing God’s work.

Old Age

I lived to be an old man. I enjoyed a peaceful and fulfilling life, content in my service to God and spirits.

In my last moments on earth, loving faces surrounded me.

Entering the Spirit Realm

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When I stepped out of my old and tired body, long gone relatives and spirit guides were waiting for me.

We traveled to a high mountaintop in the heavens or spirit realm.

There, I entered a purification center. 

Purification Center

The Purification Center is where the soul is purged of all remaining residues from recent life on earth.

I do not know how long I was there, since time as you know it, does not exist in the spirit world.

Upon completing the process, I was reunited with my relatives and friends who had been in the spirit world for some time.

After a while, I received a notification. I was selected to undergo training.

Spirit Guide Training

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My demeanor during my last incarnation seemed to have made me eligible for spirit guide training.

During that lifetime, my openness, willingness, and acceptance of spirits helped my soul acquire a higher spiritual enlightenment.

My training was profound. I was one of many in training.

When the training was completed, we were assigned to different groups.

One senior was appointed to each group.

A senior’s job is to drop off novice spirit guides to their destination.

My Destination and Assignment

guardian angelsGuardian Angels-Spirit Guide

Upon arrival to the earth realm, I was taken to a hospital. A mother was about to give birth.

As l looked around, I saw multiple spirit guides surrounding the mother and child.

They were spirit guides and relatives of the mother and child.

My assignment was to be one of the spirit guides of the newborn child.

It was the beginning of an engaging and tremendous process.

Lost Souls


In addition to spirits of light, there were also impure spirits.

These entities are earth-bound souls that remain attached to the earthly realm. Many of these lost souls wander the earth plane without any real purpose, while others refuse to leave because they believe they have unfinished business.

These spirit beings were kept at a distance by a powerful protective shield created by light beings to protect the mother and child.

The Child

Throughout the child’s growing years, I stayed vigilant of everything that was happening.

My training was non-stop. I was learning more and more from senior spirit guides. 

Although several spirit guides were assigned to the child, there was one principal guide.

This guide was above all of us and had a history of many lifetimes with the incarnate spirit of the child.

Several successful communication attempts were made with the child during her childhood.

Sometimes, she would cry, while other times, she remained calm.

It was during the nighttime when all the lights were turned off, and spirit would manifest in front of her that she would commence to cry uncontrollably.

Communication between children and spirits is much easier.

The reason is that children’s thoughts are still innocent and not contaminated.

My Role in the Beginning

She was very young when she started communicating with guides.

When she began incorporating spirit energy, I continued to remain in the background.

As she continued her spiritual practice and connected more with her guides, the relationship between the medium and guides became stronger and powerful. 

My role was to contribute, along with the other spirit guides, spiritual energy whenever it was needed.

The spirit team would unite to create a powerful energy field whenever spiritual work was performed.

An energy field is necessary for the protection of the medium as well as the recipient from negative forces.

Spirits Working Together as one Energy Force

Connecting with your Spirit GuidesConnecting with your Spirit Guides or Spirit Team

Although one spirit was allowed to incorporate the body at a time, it was the energy of many entities of light that produced the results.

Whenever you see a medium working with a spirit guide, remember that the spirit guide is part of a larger group working together to protect the medium as well as the receiver.

Initial Connection

Energy Shiftspiritual beings - deep connection

Then, one day, I was given permission to connect with the body.

“May Olofi be here. May God’s peace be here…My name is Batolo,” was the opening message.

The girl, who was now a young woman, was in a semi-conscious state.

A semi-conscious state means that the medium is somewhat aware of what is happening, but cannot control the situation. She is like the person listening to someone else’s conversation without being able to give her opinion.

On many occasions, the medium remembers very little of the interaction.

The more my energy connected to her energy, the easier it became.

The spiritual cord that connected us was getting stronger.

She became the mouthpiece in which my words came out.

At first, the communication was a bit fuzzy. In fact, it still is. However, it is improving.

Presently, I am still linked to the medium and maintain a strong connection with her and she feels connected to me.

I enjoy communicating with my incarnate brothers and sisters, and working with other spirit guides to help humans connect with God.

My Present Role as a Spirit Guide

My role is to bring joy and laughter to people while helping them see the true essence of their lives.

So much sadness and depression roam the atmosphere that people have forgotten that life is a gift from God to be appreciated and enjoyed.

Some have even forgotten how to smile or laugh.

In order for spirits of light to alleviate some of the pain and misery of the world, and lead God’s children in the direction of the Divine Guiding light, a working medium is needed.

The medium is the vehicle we utilize to accomplish our goal.

The Different Roles of Spirit Guides

spirit guides2types of spirit guides which also includes animal spirits plant spirit guardian angel nature spirit -by Tai

There are different types of spirit guides, each performing different roles.

There is a difference between spirit guides of an active medium and spirit guides of a non-active medium.

Spirit guides of an active medium are responsible for protecting and guiding the medium as well as others searching for spiritual assistance.

They tend to assist people with the many complexities of everyday living, and the understanding of his or her life mission.

The purpose of spirit guides of a non-active medium is to guide and protect the person assigned to them.

How Do I Describe My Energy?
Am I Old or Young?

galaxyimage by Luminas Obscura from Pixabay

Some individuals want to know if my energy is that of  an old man.

The answer is quite simple. I am neither old nor young. I am energy.

Spirits present themelves in many forms. I choose to present myself as an old African man because it was my last incarnation where I reached a higher level of spiritual enlightenment.

On certain occassions, I present myself as a young African man.

Whether I come as an old or young man, it does not make a difference.

The aim is to present ourselves in a friendly and approachable manner.

We tend to present ourselves in human form for the benefit of the visual medium.

It makes it easier for the medium to distinguish who is who.

For other kinds of mediumship, other means are used.

Final Message

I leave you with a simple message.

Remember never to do harm to yourself or others. The harm you do or negative thoughts you send out to others will return to you tenfold.

Respect God, yourself and others.

Remember that negative emotions are part of your learning process. Learn from them and let them go.

An individual who holds on to negative emotions is a prisoner unable to move forward.

Cleanse the body and mind, and allow the soul to grow.

Become the wind that blows the sand; not the sand that waits for the wind to produce some form of change.

May the peace of God/Olofi be with you.

This is not the end of Batolo. It is just the beginning.

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