Earth-bound spirits are often trapped in the physical realm due to unfinished business or traumatic events that led to their passing. They tend to linger in familiar places, causing disturbances that can be both fascinating and unsettling for the living. In many cases, these spirits are unaware that they are no longer in a physical body. They remain stuck between the Spirit World and the Earth Plane and are commonly referred to as ghosts.
Psychic mediums play an important role in helping spirits find closure and transition to the afterlife. By addressing unresolved issues or emotional attachments, these mediums can bring peace to both the spirits and the living who are affected by their presence.
Some earth-bound spirits are stubborn and refuse spirit rescue, causing them to remain earthbound indefinitely.
One day, while checking my email, I received a message from my cousin. She was writing to thank me for my recent visit to her home. Although the email was pleasant and thoughtful, the last part of her message intrigued me. She wanted to know what I observed during my visit because I had been staring at a specific area in her house.
I was bewildered by her observation, so I wrote back to her. I expressed my confusion, noting that I didn't recall staring at anything. If I had focused my attention on a specific area of the house, it was possible that some spiritual activity was occurring without my conscious awareness.
Then, something strange happened. I stopped writing, closed my eyes, and had a vision. In this vision, I saw a little girl crying. She stood near the door of one of my cousin's rooms as if she were searching for someone or something. The energy of the little girl was extremely intense. Although I saw other details, they are now beyond my recall.
When I opened my eyes, I immediately typed out all the details of the vision and pressed the send button. The email was on its way. I waited patiently for a response but received none.
The next day, I woke up still thinking about the vision and eager to unravel its mystery. Was there really the spirit of a little girl in my cousin's home? If so, why was she there? By the end of the day, still without an email from my cousin, the thought of the little girl vanished completely from my mind.
A day or two later, I received an email from her sharing a fascinating story about a little girl who had lived in the house. She obtained this information from her neighbor.
According to the information given. the previous owners had a daughter who tragically died in an accident right in front of the house. It is believed that the girl's father was pulling out of the driveway when she was struck by a car.
During renovations of the house's interior, my cousin discovered pictures and drawings belonging to a little girl. Instead of discarding them, she decided to keep them in the same place.
On several occasions, my cousin, her daughter, and granddaughter have seen and felt the little girl's presence in the house.
After hearing this story, I felt grateful to God for the confirmation. I now understood the true meaning of the vision: the little girl's soul was trapped between two worlds.
After the loss of their little girl, her parents were devastated and struggled to let go. They kept her pictures and drawings tucked away within the walls of their home. Struggling to cope with the death of their child, they ultimately decided to sell the house and move on, leaving the spirit of their little girl trapped between two worlds.
The little girl looked lonely and sad. One could only imagine her immense confusion in a house filled with unfamiliar faces, wondering where her parents were. Her strong bond with her parents kept her attached to a home that had once been her sanctuary. Their unwillingness to let her go, combined with her search for her loved ones, prevented her from moving on to the spirit realm.
When I asked my cousin how she was helping the little girl's soul to move on, I was surprised by her reaction. She told me that she felt sorry for the little girl and had set up a small chair with a doll for her. When I explained that the little girl was no longer part of this world and needed to move on to the spirit realm, my cousin wanted to know how to help her. I suggested that she pray, and call her spirit team to help the little girl enter the light.
A recent e-mail from my cousin
" Today, my daughter called the Police Department to find out if the story was true about the little girl. A few minutes ago, I received a call from the Officer telling me that he spoke to the Officer, who responded to the accident. The Officer confirmed that death of a little girl at that address. She was caught under the car when the driver was putting the car in reverse."
Almighty God, may you receive and embrace the soul of (name) who you have just called. Let him/her glimpse at your divine light and allow it to shine on him. Pull (name) out of the darkness, and guide him into the light. Allow his eyes and ears to see and hear the good spirits, and may they show him the path to eternal happiness.
Good spirits, who have come to receive him, and above all his guardian angel, give him spiritual guidance, and show him the light. Alleviate his confusion, which is part of the transition from corporeal life to spiritual life.
As you embark on your spiritual journey, may God allow the good spirits to come to your aid and give you spiritual guidance. Let them surround you, and unlock your terrestrial chains.
God has permitted you to be the first one to be free- to release yourself from the earthly body and go back home. Our separation is momentary. We will be together once again. At the moment, there is only a material veil that is hiding you from my sight. Although you have entered the spirit world, you are present among us. You can see and hear us better than before.
Don’t be afraid. Allow the good spirits to take you into the light. Commence your journey, and remember that we will meet again.
I will not forget you, and I pray that you will not forget me. The same way you have or will be reunited with the ones who have preceded you, we too will be reunited. Please, save me a place in heaven.
Part of the above prayer was taken from the Collection of Selected Prayers Book by Allan Kardec.
End of Earthbound Spirit
Earthbound Spirit
Earthbound Spirit
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