Many people have seen the Harry Potter movies and are aware of the "Dark Arts" or "Dark Magic" and its purpose—to harm, kill, and control others. But does Dark Arts or Brujeria Black Magic Spells really exist? Let us explore this topic and discover whether it is real or it is just a paranoid disorder.
Brujeria is the Spanish word for black magic or sorcery.
Brujeria Black magic spells, according to Free Dictionary by Farlex, is, “a form of sorcery, or the magical manipulation of nature for self-aggrandizement, or for the benefit or harm of a client. This manipulation often involves the use of spirit-helpers or familiars.” Acquiring deep knowledge is crucial in understanding and practicing these spells effectively. Guidance from knowledgeable sources, such as experienced spellcasters and ancient texts, can greatly enhance the person's ability to cast powerful and effective black magic.
In addition to black magic, I discovered other forms of magic, such as folk magic, high magic, and natural magic, which suggest that not all magic is bad.
In the near future, I may add a page on these forms of magic. For now, let us continue exploring the topic of black magic.
You should not be surprised that such evil exists. It is part of nature. “The universe is under the dominion of two opposing principles, one of which is good and the other evil.” Evil, often manifested through black magic and supernatural power, is necessary in order to compare it and fully understand the concept of good.
From the beginning of time, man has been obsessed with witchcraft, black magic spells, sorcery, and spiritual rituals.
Joan of Arc was considered to be a female demon and falsely accused of being a witch and using witchcraft. She was found guilty and burned at the stake. Many believed she was a female demon. Accusations of witchcraft often led to death and severe punishments.
Jesus was accused of using sorcery to heal the sick. Jesus and His apostles were considered to be evil spiritual beings who used dark magic on people.
When the Pharisees heard that Jesus Christ had healed a man who was unable to see and talk, they said, “This man can force demons out of people only with the help of Beelzebul, the ruler of demons.” (Matthew 12:22-32)
In the late 1600s, Salem, Massachusetts, was consumed by fear as witchcraft beliefs and accusations became widespread, and the resulting witch hunts and witch trials commenced.
Wise women who were knowledgeable in herbal medicine and healing techniques were often accused of witchcraft and collaborating with the Devil and evil spirits to perform dark magic.
“More than 200 people were accused. Thirty people were found guilty, 19 of whom were executed by hanging (14 women and five men). One other man died under torture after refusing to enter a plea, and at least five people died in jail.” (
People were in a state of hysteria. They unknowingly accused people of being witches and followers of the devil. The fear of witchcraft included the fear of rituals that were believed to invoke dark powers.
Innocent people accused of possessing supernatural powers, practicing dark magic spells, and being in contact with demon spirits were wrongfully found guilty and tortured.
Black magic practices in South America have influenced modern perceptions of black magic.
In Brazil, Kimbanda, also known as Quimbanda, is an example of Afro-Brazilian black magic, combines both light and dark aspects of life. It has historical roots in the region and involves magical practices, including the significant role of deities such as Eshu or Exu, who embodies the duality of god and devil and Pombajira, consort of Exu.
Many Afro-Brazilian religions utilize practices often labeled as black magic, but these are employed for protection, healing, and spiritual growth rather than for malevolent purposes. Practitioners use these tools to communicate with the spiritual realm, seek guidance, and address specific needs.
It is important to understand that black magic in Afro-Brazilian religions is not about causing harm or exerting control over others. Instead, it is about harnessing spiritual energy for positive outcomes. This perspective challenges the often one-dimensional view of black magic as purely evil and highlights the complexity and depth of Afro-Brazilian spiritual practices.
The choice to use it for harmful purposes is ultimately an individual decision and not the true core of the Afro-Brazilian religions.
In Europe magic books circulated throughout the region since the colonial era, leading to the production of a variety of mass-marketed magic books in the twentieth century. These books, attributed to Saint Cyprian, include spells, charms, and healing recipes that reflect the unique blend of local cultures and beliefs in Brazil and beyond.
Modern black magic practices often rely on written texts and instructions, with spells and rituals inscribed in manuscripts and scrolls.
The topic remains popular in the twenty-first century. I did not realize its impact on individuals until I began receiving emails from people claiming to be the victims of Brujeria black magic spells.
They expressed a common theme in their messages: “Someone is using black magic against me. They have cast a spell on me, and I need your help.” My initial reaction to these emails was, “Why me?” These individuals seemed to assume I had magical or spiritual powers capable of eliminating evil spells. In reality, that couldn't be further from the truth—I don’t possess any magical abilities.
Where did that idea come from? It’s akin to saying that I have the power to make the blind see and the crippled walk.
I gradually came to understand that the purpose of receiving those emails was to inspire content for the website. If people were taking the time to write emails about a particular subject, it was clearly a topic worth addressing.
Before we continue, I want to clarify one important point:
The only power I possess is the power of prayer, a gift available to everyone but that many neglect to see its value and power.
From my experience, I know that the power of evil does exist. I have heard stories and witnessed situations that attest to the above statement. People have used black magic rituals and spells for numerous reasons—from controlling others to stealing someone else’s mate. And the list goes on.
However, I have witnessed people blaming black magic for the problems they were experiencing; when, in fact, their mishaps were the result of their inner demons whom they refused to face, making them paranoid.
Certain reported cases confirm the existence of evil magic spells, and I will discuss a specific case later.
First, let's explore instances where black magic was not actually involved but instead used by spiritual practitioners to achieve personal goals.
In these cases, unscrupulous, money-hungry mediums or psychics attempt to convince individuals that they are under the influence of black magic curses. Their goal is to scam money from these clients through fraudulent means.
Years ago, a woman who claimed to be a medium told me that someone envious of me had placed a black magic spell on me. When I looked at her and smiled, she seemed confused.
"Why are you smiling?" she asked. "This is serious and could lead to grave problems for you."
I continued to smile and replied, "Please, tell me who it is so that I can thank the person. I had no idea I was so important; it seems I have a fan out there!"
The woman got upset and moved away from me. As she walked away, I said to myself, “Lady, get a real job.”
The woman was a charlatan or con artist utilizing mediumship for personal gain. Such individuals prey on people’s vulnerabilities.
Beware of Mediums who claim to cast various types of spells, including love spells, to attract love or rekindle relationships.
A woman was desperate to find love. Feeling lonely, she yearned for a man in her life. A friend recommended a woman who claimed to help people find love. The woman visited the woman and explained her desire. The woman guaranteed that she would find a man in a short time. Although the service fee was high, she decided to pay.
In addition to the payment, she was instructed to go to a park at midnight and bury a bottle that contained various items associated with the brujeria spell. She was to repeat the phrase "May I find a man" three times, as well as the name of the spirit in charge of the spell.
Confident that her wishes would be granted, the woman followed all the instructions. She buried the bottle in the park at midnight and repeated the words she was instructed to say. Unfortunately, during her visit to the park, the woman was assaulted and raped by a man roaming the park.
Feeling humiliated and embarrassed, she never reported the incident to the police.
After recovering from the traumatic event, she decided to visit the woman. When she shared her experience, the woman looked at her and said, "You wanted a man!" Disgusted by the woman's cynical response and lack of sympathy, she turned and walked away. The woman never returned the money to her.
In another case, two women were arguing with each other. In addition to harsh words, woman A told woman B, “I am going to place black magic spells on you!” and walked away.
Soon afterward, woman B began to experience severe headaches and insomnia. She attributed her condition to evil magic. She was convinced that woman A had placed a curse on her.
In a desperate attempt to remove the so-called spell, she began visiting mediums and psychics. In her first spiritual reading, there was no mention of any black magic. She felt the woman was a fake and walked away feeling terribly disappointed.
Eventually, she met a medium who told her what she wanted to hear. “Someone has placed a black magic curse on you.” Week after week, she faithfully visited the medium for spiritual cleansings and rituals to remove the curse. Although her condition did not change, her bank account began to diminish.
After a few months of seeing no improvement, she decided to visit another medium. The medium was highly recommended by a friend.
When she arrived for her initial appointment, she was greeted by a middle-aged woman. “What are you searching for?” the medium asked. The woman quickly began to reveal her story while the medium listened attentively. When the woman finished, the medium smiled and said, “Yes, I sense the dark energy around you. I can help you with that.” Although the price was a bit high, the medium convinced her that it was worth every penny.
After a few sessions of spiritual work, the woman felt no change in her condition. When she approached the medium and expressed her thoughts, the medium became highly indignant. “I have been a medium for many years. I know what I am doing. It has to be your fault. It seems you are not doing your part,” the medium responded.
The medium convinced her that she would see positive results soon. However, after two months, her money ran out. When she revealed her financial woes to the medium, the woman displayed no compassion. Instead, she began giving excuses for not seeing her. The last excuse was that her spirit guide wanted her to rest for a few months.
Still suffering from severe headaches and insomnia, she decided to use her medical insurance to see a doctor. The physician explained to her that she was going through menopause, which was causing headaches and insomnia. She was given medication and a list of relaxation exercises. After a few months, her symptoms began to subside.
Two years later, she and woman A reconciled. Woman A revealed that her statement of placing a curse on her was said out of anger. She knew that it would get woman B rattled. No black magic spells ever existed.
This case demonstrates how easily a person can become obsessed with the idea of being the object of black magic spells when, in fact, there is no curse. Additionally, with the help of moneymaking mediums, a person's obsession can reach a heightened level.
The mind can be the biggest curse. If you allow it, the mind can convert your world into a curse. Therefore, it is essential to feed the mind positive thoughts and keep it clear of negativity.
The following case was taken from David St. Clair’s book, Drum and Candle, in which he describes a personal experience in which he was a victim of black magic.
It all took place in Rio de Janeiro. The young man had been living and working in Brazil for approximately eight years. Life was great. He had finished writing a book, lived in a nice apartment close to the beach, was involved in a meaningful relationship, and had a maid who took care of all his domestic needs.
However, after eight years in Brazil, he decided to relocate to Greece. When he spoke to his housekeeper about his plans, she burst into tears. She could not believe that he would abandon her.
His plans were to wait for his book to be sold and for a monetary inheritance to arrive before leaving for Greece.
Despite all of his efforts, his plans remained at a standstill. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, and still no positive news on his book or inheritance.
His bills were piling up; his girlfriend left him, and his health began to decline. His only faithful companion was the housekeeper, who seemed to wield a supernatural power that kept him bound to his misfortunes.
Suddenly, a friend appeared. He arrived for a short visit. A few days prior to his visit, he said he had consulted a well-known medium. He wanted to get some spiritual guidance pertaining to his profession. In addition, he asked the spirit, who incorporated the medium, about David’s book. His friend, who had not mentioned David's name, was stunned by the spirit's precise details on David's life, including his name. In addition, the spirit said that David's housekeeper had placed brujeria black magic spells on him. She did it to block his path. He was told to stay away from the apartment for David, as well as the apartment, was cursed and surrounded by evil spirits.
When his friend told him the story, David was in a state of disbelief. He could not believe that the woman he trusted had betrayed him. However, after hearing all the details, he could not dismiss the facts. Pieces of his clothing had been disappearing without any clear explanation from his housekeeper.
Wanting to test her, he told her that he believed he was cursed and needed to remove it. Moreover, he wanted her to attend an Umbanda (a Brazilian folk religion) session with him. Alarmed, she expressed that she was a non-believer and had never visited an Umbanda session. He refused to take no for an answer.
On the designated day, they headed to the Umbanda ceremony. After a long and exhausting bus ride, they arrived at the house where the ceremony would take place.
At approximately midnight, the drummers began beating their drums. It was time for the ceremony to commence. Inside the gathering place, the walls were adorned with paintings of Saint George, the old Black Slave, Exu (the Devil), and others.
Women dressed in white began filing in. They began dancing in circles until spirits possessed them. When the women were released from the spirits, they began to leave the room.
A few minutes later, a woman dressed in red and black walked in. She was possessed by Exu, the God of Evil.
When Exu began working on him, the truth was revealed. His housekeeper remained motionless and speechless. Exu ordered her to leave the room.
The God of Evil continued working on him to remove the curse. When the curse was removed, he was told, “The person who wished you evil will fall ill and suffer.”
Not wanting any harm to come to his housekeeper, he pleaded. However, Exu remained firm on his decision. He said, “Evil must be handled intelligently. If not, it flies right back in your own face.”
A few days later, his paths began to open up. Things that he assumed lost were resurfacing.
As for his housekeeper, her health began to decline rapidly. After a series of tests and surgery, no medical explanation was found for her condition.
After confessing to her wrongdoing, she told him that she was leaving. An Umbanda priest, she had visited recently, informed her that the curse she had placed on him, “had returned twofold.” In order to get better, she needed to leave.
(For a detailed description of this case and others, please read David St. Clair's book "Drum and Candle." I highly recommend it.)
The case above illustrates the existence of brujeria black magic spells.
However, it also shows that God doesn't abandon his children. God guides us through the darkness when our minds and hearts are pure. He places people in our path to help us.
Also, specific experiences are part of our lesson plan.
I suggest those intending to harm others evaluate their thoughts. The losses will be greater than the gains.
As mentioned previously, any evil done to another will return to the doer twofold.
. black magic spells,
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