Healing Prayer of Padre Pio
for Those in Need of Healing and Comfort 

St Padre Pio

St. Padre Pio Healing Prayers

Padre Pio Prayer for the Sick

Heavenly Father, I thank you for loving me. I thank you for sending your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to the world to save and to set me free. I trust in your power and grace that sustain and restore me. I offer this powerful healing prayer in gratitude to you, asking for healing in mind, body, soul, and spirit.

Loving Father, touch me now with your healing hands, for I believe that your will is for me to be well in mind, body, soul and spirit.

Through the intercession Padre Pio, who performed miraculous works of healing through faith and compassion, I entrust my well-being to your divine care.

Cover me with the most precious blood of your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ from the top of my head to the soles of my feet.

Cast anything that should not be in me. Root out any unhealthy and abnormal cells. Open any blocked arteries or veins and rebuild and replenish any damaged areas. Remove all inflammation and cleanse any infection by the power of Jesus’ precious blood. Let the fire of your healing love pass through my entire body to heal and make new any diseased areas so that my body will function the way you created it to function. Touch also my mind and my emotion, even the deepest recesses of my heart. Saturate my entire being with your presence, love, joy and peace and draw me ever closer to you every moment of my life. And Father, fill me with your Holy Spirit and empower me to do your works so that my life will bring glory and honor to your holy name. I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Seek and Receive Prayer

O my Jesus who has said, "In truth I tell you, ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you" here am I knocking and asking for your grace...


Stay With Me, Lord 

Stay with me, Lord, for it is necessary to have You present so that I do not forget You. You know how easily I abandon You.

Stay with me, Lord, because I am weak and I need Your strength, that I may not fall so often.

Stay with me, Lord, for You are my life, and without You, I am without fervor.

Stay with me, Lord, for You are my light, and without You, I am in darkness.

Stay with me, Lord, to show me Your will.

Stay with me, Lord, so that I hear Your voice and follow You.

Stay with me, Lord, for I desire to love You very much, and always be in Your company.

Stay with me, Lord, if You wish me to be faithful to You.

Stay with me, Lord, for as poor as my soul is, I want it to be a place of consolation for You, a nest of love.

Stay with me, Jesus, for it is getting late and the day is coming to a close, and life passes, death, judgment, eternity approaches. It is necessary to renew my strength, so that I will not stop along the way and for that, I need You.

It is getting late and death approaches, I fear the darkness, the temptations, the dryness, the cross, the sorrows. O how I need You, my Jesus, in this night of exile!

Stay with me tonight, Jesus, in life with all it’s dangers. I need You.

Let me recognize You as Your disciples did at the breaking of the bread, so that the Eucharistic Communion be the Light which disperses the darkness, the force which sustains me, the unique joy of my heart.

Stay with me, Lord, because at the hour of my death, I want to remain united to You, if not by communion, at least by grace and love.

Stay with me, Jesus, I do not ask for divine consolation, because I do not merit it, but the gift of Your Presence, oh yes, I ask this of You!

Stay with me, Lord, for it is You alone I look for, Your Love, Your Grace, Your Will, Your Heart, Your Spirit, because I love You and ask no other reward but to love You more and more.

With a firm love, I will love You with all my heart while on earth and continue to love You perfectly du

With a firm love, I will love You with all my heart while on earth and continue to love You perfectly during all eternity.


Who was Saint Padre Pio?

Padre Pio, also known as Francesco Forgione, was born on May 25, 1887 in Pietrelcina, Italy.

Glorious Padre Pio, known for his sanctity, is often invoked to comfort and perform miracles on those who are suffering, inspiring faith and hope during difficult times.

He was born into a poor and humble family. To earn enough money to secure a decent education for his son, his father traveled to Brazil and the United States to earn money.

Although he was not a good student, he learned enough to move ahead.

As a young child, Father Pio suffered from poor health. His physical affliction continued to plague him most of his life.

From a very young age, Father Pio devoted himself to a life of poverty and prayer.

His dream was to become a Capuchin- a religious order that followed the teachings of St. Francis of Assisi.

In 1910, he was ordained a priest. His name was changed to Pio.

On September 23, 1968, Father Pio stepped out of his body and entered the Kingdom of God.

Pope John Paul II declared him a Saint in June 2002.

According to Rev. Jude Winkler, Father Pio's greatest wish was to “suffer for his sins and the sins of others so that they might turn to God.”


Early on in his religious vocation, Father Pio displayed signs of having extraordinary spiritual gifts.

In addition to communicating with Jesus, angels, and saints, he possessed the ability to be in two places at once—bilocation.


Additionally, Father Pio possessed the gift of stigmata- the sacred wounds that Jesus had on the cross.

The wounds would appear suddenly and slowly fade away. This gift lasted fifty years.

Padre Pio- The Healer of Soul, Body and Mind

Father Pio was known as a spiritual advisor and healer. He could see and feel the suffering of others without receiving direct information from them.

Many of Father Pio’s followers believe that he received the information directly from God.

One of many stories revealing his divine healing power occurred in 1949. A man had lost his right eye during an explosion. A few days later, Father Pio went to visit him in the hospital.

When the doctors removed his bandages, they were astonished to discover that his eye had grown back.

Dearest Padre Pio, we appeal to you with sincere faith and compassion, seeking your miraculous intercession and healing for our loved ones.

Saint Padre Pio-Spiritual Guide

Seeking spiritual guidance, a person approached Padre Pio and asked him, “Father, how can you distinguish what comes from the heart and is inspired by Our Lord and that which instead is inspired by the devil?

Padre Pio replied the following:

“You will distinguish it, always by this:

"The spirit of God is a spirit of peace, and also in the case of grave sin, it makes us feel tranquil, humble, confident, and this is due precisely to His mercy.

"The spirit of the demon, on the contrary, excites, exasperates, makes us in our sorrow feel something like anger against ourselves, whereas our first charity must be to ourselves, and so if certain thoughts agitate you, this agitation never comes from God, who gives tranquility, being the Spirit of Peace. Such agitation comes from the devil.”

Inspirational Sayings of Padre Pio

-"Remember: the evil-doer who is loathed to do wrong is nearer to God than the upright man who hesitates to do good."

-"You cannot expect God to work wonders where there is no faith."

-"Fear is a far greater evil than evil itself."

-"Pray, hope and don't worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer."  

-The above information comes from a book called Counsels Exhortations Of Padre Pio Of Pietrelcina and Padre Pio by Rev. Jude Winkler

Saint Padre Pio, pray for us.

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