Art as a Healing Tool 
Healing Spiritual Paintings 

Art as a healing toolArt as a healing tool

Art as a Healing Tool

What does art as a healing tool mean?

Art has long been recognized as a powerful healing tool, capable of promoting healing on physical, mental, and spiritual levels. It fosters emotional well-being, positive energy, and serves as a guiding light. Additionally, art can uplift the soul during difficult times, helping individuals feel better when they are feeling low.

Creating art or creative expression  can promote healing by bring to the surface inner hidden feelings.  Art can uplift a person's mental state, foster positive emotions, and contribute to overall physical health and  mental well being. Additionally, creating art is an effective way to reduce stress.

Visual art is not only good for the mind, but also for the soul. 

What is Spiritual Art?

Spiritual art is a profound form of artistic self expression that delves into the realms of the divine, the universe, and the human experience. It transcends mere aesthetics, aiming to convey deep spiritual themes, emotions, and experiences. This form of art can manifest in various mediums, including paintings, sculptures, music, and literature, each imbued with a sense of the sacred.

In the context of spiritual healing, art is a powerful tool and can be viewed as a form of art therapy. It fosters a profound sense of emotional and spiritual well-being by offering a medium for meditation, self-reflection, and self-discovery. Spiritual art often utilizes symbolism, color, and composition to evoke peace, calmness, and a deep spiritual connection. It reminds us of the beauty and wonder of the world, inspiring hope, healing, and a stronger connection to others.

Art therapy, in particular, has been shown to reduce cortisol levels and foster emotional resilience, aiding individuals in expressing complex emotions and integrating their experiences into their life narratives.

According to Amy Herman, art can help with problem solving skills. 

My Spirit Art Journey
The Beginning of My Art Development

I have loved creating art since I was a child. For hours, I would sit quietly and draw pictures of Popeye and other cartoon characters. Each stroke of the pencil brought a sense of joy to my young mind. Art became my safe space, allowing me to express myself freely.

I remember those precious moments as being very peaceful and enjoyable. 

Although I was far from being a famous artist like Michelangelo, Picasso, or Da Vinci, and my artwork was childlike and meaningless, never to be exhibited in a museum, to me, they were my masterpieces/ my creative expression, which I was proud of.

I continued drawing and painting as I grew older, but not as often.

My College Days

In college, I took five painting classes. Out of the five professors, two, without a doubt, were narcissists.

Despite the challenges, I found moments of inspiration that felt like rays of light, guiding me through the darkness of criticism.

Although they exhibited signs of superiority, I was convinced it was a cover-up. I felt they were full of inner rage, shame, and frustration due to being unsuccessful artists.

Instead of encouraging their students, they criticized or ignored them completely. It was their way of maintaining their misguided sense of superiority. The experience was a complete waste of time.

Out of the five professors, only one was a true educator.

He inspired his students to do their best and produce artwork. He had a talent for identifying their strengths and weaknesses, which he conveyed in a positive and productive manner.

His words were full of artistic inspiration. He taught his students the history of painting, awareness of our painting abilities, and the connection between us and our artwork.

He encouraged his students to unleash their full potential, explore their inner creativity, savor the creative process of visual art, and, most importantly, never be afraid to express their feelings on canvas. 

More importantly, he taught us that painting should be fun.

He was a wonderful human being.

Although I wanted to take more of his classes, he was no longer available. He resigned the following semester.

The other professors had good intentions but did not possess the ability to bring out the student's creative abilities.

I continued to paint on my own. The more I painted, the more I learned from my mistakes.

In My Twenties

I started to delve deeper into painting and discovered a previously unknown part of myself, a light that guided me towards a deeper understanding of my inner spiritual self. 

As I continued to paint, I experienced an indescribable feeling within me.

Little did I know that this exploration would lead me on a spiritual journey, which included creating spiritual paintings.

My Spiritual Beliefs

The spirit world has been an important part of my upbringing and remains a significant aspect of my life today. The spirit world has always been a source of light, illuminating my path and guiding my spiritual journey.

My spiritual development commenced when I was very young.

When I was a young child, I had experiences where I could feel and see things that weren't visible to others.

Sensing what was occuring to me, my mother, who was a spiritual medium, would take me with her to spiritual gatherings.

I enjoyed it immensely and felt very comfortable in that environment.

The spirit world is a genuine part of my reality, not simply a figment of my imagination.

During my spiritual journey, I have experienced both ups and downs along the way.

However, my faith in God and His/Her spiritual messengers has never wavered, even during the difficult times.

In fact, these challenges have only strengthened my belief.

My Spiritual Awakening to Spirit Painting and Drawing

spirit guide mespirit guide

Some years back, I noticed a change in my artistic abilities, a light that started leaning towards a more spiritual direction.

This shift became more noticeable when I began receiving guidance from spirits that led me to embrace a new spiritual path.

I started painting without hesitation and was pleasantly surprised to find myself creating spirit images. The sight of their faces filled me with an indescribable sense of happiness.

Initially, the paintings were peculiar. But gradually, their meaning became more evident and significant.

Occasionally, I sensed as though the eyes in the paintings were communicating with me.


Over time, individuals started to ask for paintings of their spirit and animal guides.

When a spirit presents itself to me for painting, it usually comes with a message intended for the recipient.

Nevertheless, it must be noted that requesting a spirit painting does not guarantee that one will be provided. As the process is beyond my control. 

On many occasions, a person would ask for a spirit or animal guide painting, only to be disappointed since nothing would manifest for me to paint.


Spiritual Art and Website

One day, while enjoying a relaxing bath, I closed my eyes. Suddenly, I saw a familiar image in my mind's eye. It was  a male figure dressed in a long white robe with a hood covering his face.

The image of the male figure in a white robe felt like a beacon of light, guiding me towards my purpose of creating a website for my spiritual artwork.

I had seen him before during meditation.

He began to communicate his thoughts to me, instructing me to create a website.

Furthermore, I was told that the website would be to display my spiritual artwork and share spiritual information/stories.

Startled, I quickly sat up and opened my eyes.

"Me, create a website? That's crazy! I don't know anything about creating a website," I thought to myself.

The idea was ridiculous because I am not a writer and have no knowledge of spiritual stories.

After encountering the same message repeatedly, I ultimately decided to comply.

To my surprise, spiritual stories began to manifest. Narratives began popping up in my head during my meditation sessions.

When I would close my eyes, a movie like-image would appear.

I would quickly open my eyes and write the details of what I had seen.

In time, I had numerous stories/information with an assortment of paintings.

Amazingly, my painting abilities improved tenfold.

Art as a healing tool
Art and Healing

pixenergy23art as a healing tool

Art has had a profound impact on my spiritual development.

It has given me a strong foundation and has helped me tap into my creative side and release my artistic skills.

Expressing my inner emotions through art has become a valuable tool for releasing stress, maintaining mental health, and bringing spiritual light into my life.

It doesn't matter which art forms you choose for spiritual self expression. The key is to find a suitable method that helps you shed the emotional and spiritual residue accumulated over time.

Additionally, art has also allowed me to connect with God and the spirit world on a deeper level, helping me explore the different stages of spirituality.

The Artist’s Intention and Energy

The intention and energy of the artist are pivotal in the creation of spiritual art. When an artist embarks on creating a piece, they infuse it with their thoughts, emotions, and intentions, transforming it into more than just a physical object. This energy can be felt by the viewer, influencing their emotional and spiritual state.

The Viewer’s Experience and Connection

The experience and connection a viewer has with spiritual art are deeply personal and subjective. When we engage with a piece of spiritual art, we are not merely observing a physical object; we are also experiencing the spiritual energy within the artwork. This connection can evoke a sense of healing, transformation, or profound peace.

The viewer’s personal experiences, emotions, and beliefs play a significant role in shaping their connection to the art. For instance, someone going through a challenging period may find solace in a piece that exudes peace and calmness. Conversely, a person filled with joy and inspiration may find that spiritual art amplifies their positive emotions and sense of connection to the world.

The Role of Color and Symbolism

Color and symbolism are integral to spiritual art, each playing a crucial role in conveying deeper meanings and evoking specific emotions. Colors can create a particular mood or atmosphere; for example, blue often evokes calmness and tranquility, while red signifies energy and passion.

Symbolism in spiritual art allows for the representation of abstract concepts such as love, hope, and healing. It can also depict spiritual themes, like the connection to the divine or the universe.

Creating Your Own Spiritual Art

spiritual artCreating art for mental health

Creating your own spiritual art can be a transformative experience, allowing you to express your spiritual emotions and experiences. It fosters a deeper connection to yourself, others, the world around you, and the spirit world.

You don’t need to be a trained artist to create spiritual art. Use any medium that feels comfortable and expressive, whether it’s paint, markers, or digital art, etc. The key is to express what you are feeling at the moment. Allow yourself to go with the energy around you. 

Spiritual art can also be a tool for meditation, reflection, and self-discovery. By infusing your art with your own energy and intention, you can cultivate a deeper sense of connection to yourself and the world, embarking on a journey of spiritual healing and growth.

Spiritual Sayings

"Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from." Elizabeth Kübler-Ross

"At any moment, you have a choice, that either leads you closer to your spirit or further away from it." Thich Nhat Hanh

"You must not let your life run in the ordinary way; do something that nobody else has done, something that will dazzle the world. Show that God’s creative principle works in you." Paramahansa Yogananda

"I close my eyes in order to see."  Paul Gauguin


Everyone possesses the ability to be creative. 

Art is an artistic self expression that creates self awareness and a positive impact on the individual.

Although everyone can connect with the spirit world, you need to believe in yourself, have faith in a Higher Power, and open yourself up to the energy.

Exploring your creative side can aid in the process of healing emotional scars, bringing peace to the mind, body, and soul, and allowing you to connect with your inner and higher self.

When it comes to your creativity, don't let others dictate what you can or can't do. The power to decide is in your hands.

The person's remarks are meaningless. The important thing is how it makes you feel. Follow your inner desire.

Life's spiritual journey is full of surprises.

There may be times when you feel like you've reached a dead-end, only to discover a new path leading you towards an exciting new adventure.

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