Images of Spirit Guides
Many have asked when and how I started doing spirit drawings or paintings.
The answer is, I don't know - it just happened.
I’ve always enjoyed drawing and painting. I have believed in the spirit world since I was a child and feel a nurturing connection to spiritual beings.
My spiritual journey began at a young age.
Although I had developed some spiritual abilities, drawing or painting images of spirits was not one of them.
This happened much later.
Initially, I didn’t understand the purpose of the spirit portraits.
However, as time passed, I realized their significance to the recipients. These paintings/drawings serve as tools to convey messages, provide guidance and assist in spiritual awakening and healing.
Some found them to be affirmations, while others took comfort in seeing the spirit guides portraits.
As this development continued, I noticed the paintings becoming more dynamic and meaningful.
On many occasions, the spirit would guide me to add significant details that became meaningful to the person receiving the painting.
My initial paintings looked strange (look at the two paintings below).
However, in time, they began to take a more precise and realistic look.
Spirit guides are non-physical beings that exist to provide guidance, support, and wisdom to individuals on their life journey. They are often believed to be aspects of an individual’s higher self or separate entities assigned to assist and guide them. These benevolent beings can take many forms, such as an angel, ascended master, and loved one who have passed on. They communicate with us through various means, such as intuition, dreams, and meditation, offering insights and messages that can profoundly impact our lives. By tuning into these subtle forms of communication, we can receive the guidance and support we need to navigate our spiritual path.
There are several types of spirit guides that individuals may encounter, each offering unique forms of guidance and support:
When a person requests a spirit painting, I request a photo of the person seeking it.
Once I receive the photo, I take a moment to pray and ask GOD for permission for the spirit guides to connect with me. I also seek the assistance of the person's guardian angel to assist me during the process.
If I am unsuccessful after three attempts, I will inform the person that I cannot connect with their spirit guides.
However, if a connection is made, I immediately sketch to ensure I remember the essential features of the spirit energy coming through.
Although my schedule can be hectic, the drawing reminds me to start painting when I have the time. At times, the presence of the spirit is so strong that I must stop everything else and begin painting immediately.
As I work, the spirit directs my every move and communicates where each element should be placed.
During the process, I make a point to jot down any messages the spirit conveys to me so that I can share them with the intended recipient.
I noticed that when some spirits come through and give the person a message, there is an energy shift in the person’s life, making them feel connected to the unseen world.
Many of the messages contain elements of healing, wisdom, inspiration, learning, harmony, guidance, and much more.
Although the majority of the individuals who have received spirit paintings from me have been pleased, there was one instance where one woman had specific desires that weren’t met.
She was seeking a painting of an Ascended Master or Archangel, as she believed her spirit guides were of the highest level—Jesus and Archangel Michael.
She was very disappointed with the painting and accompanying message since they did not align with her expectations.
I can only give what is given to me- nothing more, nothing less.
I have witnessed some spirit painters who are able to fulfill all spirit guides painting requests, but unfortunately, I have not been blessed with that ability.
There have been instances where people have asked for a painting of spirit guides and have not received anything in return. I cannot guarantee any outcomes since I have no control over the process. I see myself merely as a vessel for the spirits.
Below are a few Images of Spirit Guides paintings that I was inspired to do.
Enjoy the Images of Spirit Guides
The Egyptian
Indian Guru
All artwork of spirit guides was created by the owner of this website.
Each portrait of spirit guides helps individuals connect with their main guide and other important guides who impact different areas of the person's life.
Get to know your Spirit Guides. It is important.
spirit guides
To view more of my spirit paintings and drawings, visit my website. The link is provided below.
“For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible.”
― Stuart Chase
Let your spirit guides show you the way.
Artistic Mediumship
To view more of the author's artwork and read messages from spirits of light Click here.
Spirit Guide Paintings
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