Astral projection, also known as astral travel, is a term for an out-of-body experience (OBE).
According to, astral travel is, "the act of separating the astral body (spirit or consciousness) from the physical body and its journey into the universe."
Wikipedia defines astral journey as an OBE in which the astral body (intermediate between the intelligent soul and the physical body), detaches from the physical body and travels outside it.
Many practitioners provide detailed instructions on how to perform astral projection, emphasizing the importance of a quiet and relaxed environment to reach a hypnotic state.
Astral projection is a topic that has a wealth of information dating back to ancient times.
The soul, which the Egyptians called the Ba, was believed to be able to separate from the physical body and travel to other dimensions during sleep.
According to Ancient Egyptian texts, the Ba could also continue to exist beyond death and travel to the afterlife.
Their representation of the Ba was a bird with wings and a human head.
In ancient Greece, the belief in the soul's existence and its survival after death was widespread. They believed in the separation of the soul from the physical body.
Greek philosophers wrote that the soul could leave the body in certain circumstances and connect with the spirit realm through dreams, meditation, or ecstatic states induced by music, dance, and rituals.
In many cultures, vivid dreams were often seen as a gateway to the spiritual realm, allowing individuals to experience profound visions and connect with higher spiritual entities.
Connecting to the Divine and exploring the mysteries of the spirit realm through astral travel was common in many cultures in ancient civilizations.
Two common themes of astral travels or out of body experiences is the stepping out of the physical body and traveling to other places or dimensions.
Note: Some of the information was taken from › origins-astral-projection.
The astral body, often referred to as the body of light, is a fascinating concept in the realm of astral travels. This subtle body is believed to exist on the astral plane, a dimension separate from our physical world. Unlike our tangible physical body, the astral body is thought to be a non-physical entity, capable of operating independently. This allows consciousness to explore the astral planes freely.
Imagine the astral being as a duplicate of your physical form, but composed of a finer, more ethereal material. It’s often described as being connected to the physical form by a silver cord, a vital link that ensures the astral being can return safely after an astral projection experience. This connection is crucial, as it allows the astral being to venture into the unknown while maintaining a connection to the physical realm.
For those intrigued by the idea of astral projection, several techniques can help induce this extraordinary experience:
These techniques require practice and patience, but they can open the door to incredible out-of-body experiences.
Embarking on the journey of astral projection requires dedication and a willingness to explore the unknown. Here are some tips to help you practice:
With much patience and persistence, you can enhance your ability to astral project and explore the mysteries of the astral plane.
Astral projection offers several potential benefits:
However, it’s important to be aware of the risks:
Understanding these risks can help you approach astral projection with caution and respect.
When practicing astral projection, it’s crucial to consider the well-being of your physical form:
By taking these precautions, you can ensure a safer and more enjoyable astral projection experience.
Note: Information above was gathered from various sources.
Whenever engaging in any spiritual work always have good intentions and call spirits of light to guide you.
Ms. L
“These experiences commenced when I was an adolescent. I was neither awake nor asleep.
"I was in an in-between stage. I would step out of my physical body and drift, observing my own body from an external perspective.
"I should rephrase that. My soul would step out of my physical body and drift. My physical body would remain motionless and at rest.
"There was always a thin, transparent cord present. The cord connected the soul to the body. In addition to being transparent, the cord was long and strong. As I traveled to faraway places, the cord remained intact.
"My travels were not confined to places here on Earth. I would travel to other dimensions or planets where I met my spirit guides and chatted with family members and friends long gone. The experiences were incredible.
"My first experience was extremely scary. I did not know what was happening to me. I actually thought I was going to die.
"The experience was short-lived. I was too frightened to let go totally. It was after being well informed by a spiritual medium and good friend that my fears dissipated.
"Due to a selfish and naïve decision to abandon my mediumship, I have paid a heavy price. I no longer enjoy the many spiritual pleasures of astral journey.
"Although I am now devoted to following my spiritual path, I cannot recapture what was lost many years ago."
Click here to read more on the person's spiritual experiences.
Ms. R
“The first time I had an out of body experience or an astral projection experience, I did not know what was happening to me.
"I went to bed as usual. I was about to doze off when suddenly I felt a pulling. When I looked down, I noticed my body in the bed, motionless.
“It was a strange and rare phenomenon. I became two beings. One was in bed, and the other was floating above.
"I felt very light. I began drifting higher and higher. I was floating above buildings. I could see the streetlights and the lights inside the apartments.
"Unexpectedly, fear took over. I began to panic. I kept saying to myself, ‘I don’t want to die…I want to go back.’
"When I finally woke up, I was sweating and my heart was pounding. I thought it was the scariest moment in my life. I thought I was going to die and kept thinking about my family.
"After gathering information, I realized what it was. Now, I accept the experience as part of my spiritual growth. Although I would like the experience to occur more often, it just doesn’t happen that way.”
My experience with astral projection has been, in some way, similar to the above-mentioned, traveling outside the physical body.
The few times this spiritual phenomenon has occurred, the sensation has been astounding. Being outside my body and witnessing the body in a rest state was so surreal.
The soul can experience the environment without being affected by it. During these travels, I have felt immense inner peace.
Once, I remembered leaving my body, floating out the window, and feeling a gentle breeze on my cheeks.
I kept traveling high above the buildings until I was no longer on this planet but in a completely different realm. It was in this other place where I met my maternal grandmother.
She gave me valuable information that helped me to understand certain spiritual matters.
In the end, she said her final goodbyes. I returned to the room where my body was and stepped back in.
That was a fascinating moment/experience.
Is astral projection real ? You decide.
Practitioners of astral projection assert that these experiences are genuine, often describing them as vivid and profound, even in the absence of scientific validation.
However, fear can act as an emotional barrier, hindering individuals from fully enjoying the experience and exploring the mysteries of the spirit world.
For many, the fear of being unable to return to their body or of dying can be overwhelming. This concern is understandable, especially for those who lack information about astral projection.
If you have experienced astral projection and are afraid, seek information to help you understand the true nature of this spiritual phenomenon so you can fully enjoy your travels.
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