Brazilian Spiritual Healing Centers
City of Ecletica and Valentin

The City of Ecletica


Spiritual Healing Centers

Besides its beautiful beaches, friendly people, and wonderful weather, Brazil is also known for its many spiritual communities.

During a recent trip to Brazil, I had the pleasure of visiting one of them-Cidade Ecletica or The City of Eclectic. The experience was awesome.

Cidade Ecletica or City of Eclectic is a religious commune that was founded by Mestre Yokaanam, a spirtualist, in 1946. According to Wikipedia, the sect is described, “as an eclectic-religious movement, philanthropic and universalist, and pioneer in the unification of all the sects of the planet."

The first community was established in Rio de Janiero in 1946. Ten years later, it was transferred to Brasília, in the state of Goiás, and has remained there ever since.

Presently, there are approximately 600 people living in the community. These individuals are called internal workers; while those living outside the community are called external workers.

There are 12 spiritual centers or branches throughout the Brazilian region. Outside of Brazil, there are two more- one in Argentina and another in Paraguay. There is an estimate of 3,000 members connected to the movement.

The goal of these spiritual centers is to assist all those who are in need of spiritual guidance free of charge.

Before attending the spiritual center, I was informed that no short skirts, slacks, shorts or tank tops were allowed. Shoulders had to be covered at all times.

entrance to church

As I approached the main gate, I was welcomed by a man dressed in a long white robe. He checked to see if I was dressed appropriately before allowing me to enter. As I entered the grounds and approached the church, I noticed that the church doors were closed and several people were waiting outside. It appeared that we had gotten there too early. Instead of standing around like everyone else, I decided to explore the surrounding area.

Next to the main gate was a building that had the word hospital on top. I was informed that a few years back, the hospital was in full operation. Due to political differences, the hospital was turned into a first aid center with volunteer doctors. They are in the process of restoring their old status.

city ecletica hospital

On the right side of the church was a gated area. From where I was standing, I could see several houses, a meditation hall, an odd shaped building and a parking lot. Later on, I was told that the area was the living quarters of the community members.

By now, the church doors had opened and we were allowed to go in. On each side of the entrance door stood two church members- a woman on the left and a man on the right, dressed in white. Their assignment was to assist the people.

I was instructed to go to the side where the woman was standing. The woman smiled and took me to the appropriate sitting area.

As I sat down, I noticed that the women were sitting on the left side of the room; while, the men were on the right. It seemed that the arrangement was done accordingly to the yin/yang concept-an ancient Chinese philosophy.

The inside of the church was similar in décor to other churches- rows of benches on both sides of the room, a large open space in front, and an altar situated front and center against the wall.

The altar was unpretentious. It consisted of a long table with a large cross attached to the top of a globe placed in the middle of the table. Go to Spiritual Altar for more information on spiritual altar.

In addition, pictures of Jesus Christ and noted spiritual mediums decorated the walls around the room.

Even though the room was very plain, the atmosphere was extremely rich in peacefulness, spiritual energy and love.

After ten or fifteen minutes of waiting patiently for the service to start, an alarm went off. It was to announce that the service was about to commence. The mediums, dressed in white, began to enter the room and congregate in the large open space. As they entered the room, they turned to the altar, bowed their heads and moved on to their designated space.

When all the members were present, they began to form two or three circles. A man with a moderate size pot of burning incense appeared. He began moving around the four corners of the open space as if doing a cleansing. Then, he stopped in front of each member and allowed them to cleanse themselves with the smoke. When the ritual was finished, each member moved to his/her designated area- women on the left and men on the right.

By now, the mediums were ready to commence their work. They divided into teams. Each team consisted of two mediums- two women or two men. One of the mediums was the one who incorporated the spirit, while the other was the assistant.

The children were the first to get spiritual healing. Afterward, the adults were called. Women were treated by women mediums, while men were attended by men mediums.

As I approached the front of the line, I was escorted to a woman medium. While standing in front of the medium, she grabbed my hands, closed her eyes and proceeded to incorporate a spirit. In a matter of seconds, a spirit had entered the medium's body. The medium, under the influence of spirit, began telling me things that only I knew. All of the information was completely accurate.

When the medium began to give me spiritual passes- transfer of energy from one person to another through the hands, I felt a bolt of energy entering my body. I started shaking all over. I wanted to stop, but could not. As she continued giving me passes, my conscious mind began to drift away. I was no longer aware of my surroundings or my person. It was as if some entity had taken over. Although the experience lasted a short time, according to others, it felt longer. When I came to, two women were holding me.

By the end of the treatment, I was given blessed water, and a flower. When the session was over, I thanked the mediums for the experience, and walked away feeling immense inner peace. The spiritual experience was like no other.

Psychic Surgery Performed by Spirits
Spiritual healing Centers

braisilian  ValentinMedium Valentin

While visiting Brazil, I attended a spiritual clinic run by a spiritual medium named Valentin. The clinic is well-known for its spiritual surgeries. All treatments are free.

On the day of our visit, we decided to get up early to get a good head start. We wanted to be the first on line. The car ride was approximately one hour. The view of the countryside was spectacular. Although I was enjoying the scenery, I managed to doze off here and there. When we got there, I was fully awake and ready to receive spiritual healing.

The spirit surgery clinic was located in a relatively poor area. As we approached the clinic, we noticed many parked cars with license plates from all over Brazil.

When we entered the gated area, I was astonished by the enormous amount of people already there. Instead of being the first on line, we were at the end of a very long line. Luckily, there were benches against the walls for people to sit while they waited to go in. We quickly sat and waited and waited and waited.

Despite the lengthy wait, I found the atmosphere to be extremely thought-provoking. The people in attendance came from all lifestyles. The affluent and the poor, the whites and the blacks, and the educated and the illiterate were as one standing or sitting shoulder to shoulder waiting to receive spiritual healing.

To my far right, there was a booth with an ample selection of shoes and apparel. I was informed that the items were donated for the needy. The person just needed to go, select, and take. No questions asked.

The spiritual clinic was undeniable a charitable and spiritual place.

Approximately two hours later, the sound of a buzzer went off. It was time for us to go in. The line began to move rapidly. Inside, various individuals were wearing white lab coats assisting the large crowd. In the center of the entrance wall was a large picture of a man. I was told it was Valentin, the spiritual medium in charge of the surgeries.

As we approached the main room, we quickly went to one of the massage tables and lay down.

The room was very spacious, with numerous massage tables situated around the room. As I was heading to my assigned table, I noticed an older man wearing a white lab coat with a pair of scissors. He appeared to be imitating a cutting motion. He continued to do this consistently from head to toe, approximately twelve inches above the person's body. His eyes had an absent look as if possessed.

Since I did not see any blood or people behaving outlandishly, I decided to stay.

The treatment lasted less than two minutes. I could not believe it. When I was about to get comfortable, I was told that it was over.

"What? How can it be over when I didn't feel anything? Get that man back. My spiritual surgery didn't work. I was cheated," I said to myself. Feeling disappointed, I began to get up from the table. As soon as I placed my feet on the floor, my head started spinning. I was utterly dizzy. I could not walk without the support of my friend. The strange sensation lasted a few hours.

Even though I was dizzy, inside I felt an immense sense of peace and happiness. It was a strange feeling. To this day, I can't explain what happened to me or adequately describe the sensation I felt inside.

Many people need to see to believe. Although no blood and/or removal of bodily parts were visible to the naked eye, I believe something occurred that day.

Believe and you shall receive


I'm being treated by Valentin, in Brazil, and I read your experience there. It seems to me that you only went there once and never returned. The right way to get treated by Valentin is to go back at least four more times. The second time you go back is to "remove the stitches" which is a metaphorical explanation, Valentin came up with just to make it easier for people to understand. When you "remove the stitches", you don't even need to lay down the massage table, just pass by Valentin in a line and he'll snap the scissors in front of you just in front of your chest. Then you have to have at least 3 applications and these are the same procedure as the first time you come. If your illness is in front of your body, you should lay belly up. If your illness is in the back, e.g back pains, then you lay belly down. During the long waiting period you should focus on positive things and think about what illness you have that you want to heal. The spirits are working to heal you from the time you enter Valentin's healing center so that's why Valentin tells people to always come early at 7am. It's open for healing every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday morning. You should not wait over 15 days between sessions. If you can't return because you will travel or live abroad, then you should leave your name and address so that the healing spirit goes to you. If you need healing, let me know and I'll write your name and address for you. While I'm waiting hours to get "operated on", the most amazing thing is talking to the people in line with you and discovering how they or their loved ones were healed by Valentin despite doctors saying they're conditions where hopeless. After I left the massage table, I just felt like crying with relief. It's an amazing feeling.

Rita ------------------------------

A visit to these centers can be seen as a spiritual retreat or journey during which you can achieve spiritual growth, experience energy healing, find inner peace, and establish a deeper connection with God, yourself, and the Universe. These centers offer a welcoming environment that promotes self-healing.

Also Read:

Spiritual Healing Center - Valley of Dawn

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