Medium Channeling Spirits
Through  Psychographic  

Medium Channeling Spirits 
The Life of Chico Xavier 


Chico's Early Years

Perhaps, some of you have not heard of Francisco Candido Xavier Chico, the Spiritist Medium, and are wondering why I have included him in this website. Well, the answer is quite simple. Chico Xavier was one of the greatest mediums to have ever walked among us. He was a medium of spiritism and an instrument of spirits.

Chico was born Francisco de Paula Candido on April 2, 1910, in Pedro Leopolda, Minas Gerais, Brazil. He came from a poor and humble family. He was one of nine children. When he was approximately four years old, his mother passed away. Due to the family's poor economic status, his father was unable to maintain the family together. The children were sent to live with different neighbors or relatives. Chico was placed in the home of his godmother. There, he received the most horrific treatment. His godmother, who possessed sadistic qualities, got pleasure abusing him verbally as well as physically. She would poke a fork into Chico's lower torso causing severe scars.

At approximately four years old, Chico began communicating with spirits. One of the first spirits to communicate with him was his mother. After complaining to her about the abuse and suffering he was undergoing, he remembered his mother promising him a "new mother."

Just as she had promised, Chico's suffering and abuse by the hand of his godmother ended. His father remarried, and, once again, the children were reunited.

Cidalia, Chico's stepmother, was a true blessing in his life. She gave him unconditional love, moral support, and understanding. Chico would always refer to her as his second mother.

During his early school years, Chico was misunderstood. He was mocked and shunned by the other children. He was known as the boy who spoke to the dead.

Chico's schooling was limited. He had to work in a factory and attend school. As a young man, he worked as a store clerk.

Although Chico had been communicating with spirit since childhood, it was in 1927 that Carmen and Jose Herminio Peracio introduced him to the Spiritist Doctrine.

First Psychographic Communication

It was during a spiritist gathering that Chico received his first psychographic communication. He had closed his eyes and began focusing on the prayers and selected readings from one of Allan Kardec's books. Suddenly, his hand started to move uncontrollably on top of the table. He was given paper and a pencil. Page after page, he produced written messages from spirits. One of the messages was from his beloved mother.

Emmanuel-His Spirit Guide

One day, while Chico was alone admiring nature, he felt a gentle breeze caressing his face. When he turned around, he saw a spiritual being. His name was Emmanuel. He would be Chico's principal guide. Although Emmanuel informed Chico of his spiritual mission, he warned him that "if one day he would say something contrary to the teachings of Jesus, he would leave, and Chico should forget him."

It was the beginning of a long relationship. Emmanuel, using Chico mediumistic gifts, produced several literature masterpieces. In addition to being a spirit guide, Chico viewed Emmanuel as his spiritual mentor and loving father.

As Chico continued his spiritual work, he began receiving poems and sonnets from spirits. Later, these spirits began to let their identity known by signing their work. The written words were of well-known poets who had crossed over many years ago. After a thorough investigation by experts, it was concluded that the signatures produced by Chico's spiritual work and that of the poets were the same.

Chico's life was not without hardships. On many occasions, he faced harsh adversities. However, his faith in God and Emmanuel kept him strong.

One well-publicized lawsuit against Chico came from the widow of Brazil's greatest commentator, Humberto de Campos. Upon his passing, he appeared to Chico and began dictating much information for several revealing books. The widow sued Chico for past royalties. The court ruled in Chico's favor stating that, "the dead have no rights."

Chico worked as a fingerprint expert with the Brazilian agriculture ministry. He lived on a meager salary before receiving a state pension. With all his fame and popularity, he continued to live a humble and simple life until the very end.

In the late fifties, Francisco Candido Xavier Chico moved to Uberaba. There, he continued to conduct spiritual sessions for the hundreds of thousands of individuals seeking a solution to a wide range of problems. One of the spirit guides whom Chico channeled was Dr. Bezerra de Menezes. The mission of this spirit was to dictate prescriptions for the elderly and sick.

The Court Case

One case, out of several, that was highly discussed in Brazil was the testimony of a dead young man. This case had an impact on the Brazilian judicial system.

A couple lost their son from a fatal gunshot wound. They arrested and charged his best friend for the death. The couple, devastated by the loss of their son, wanted the full measure of the law applied to the young man. They wanted justice, not mercy.

In a desperate attempt to gain some consolation, the mother of the deceased went to see Chico. She was one of many who hoped for some message from the world beyond ours.

As usual, Chico closed his eyes and waited for spirits to take control of his hand. In minutes, his hand began producing words on paper. By the end, several letters were generated.

Upon reading the letters one by one, the respective party would get up to receive the letter with much gratitude and tears in their eyes.

As Chico continued to read the letters, he read a letter that was signed by the woman's dead son. Without any doubt, she knew that the letter was from her son. The wording, the way of expressing himself, and his signature were his. Filled with much emotion, the woman got up, received the letter, and kissed Chico's hands.

After sharing the news with her husband, he became furious and stated that Chico was a fraud. Although the signature was similar to his son's, he believed it was the product of trickery.

The death of their son caused remoteness between the couple. They were living as strangers in the same home.

One day, Xavier Chico was invited to be a guest on a popular Brazilian television program called Pinga-Fogo in which the woman's husband was the director. By the end of the taping, Chico, surrounded by a large crowd, walked to the dressing room. On his way there, Chico stopped momentarily in front of the control room. As the man was getting ready to leave, Chico appeared and asked him politely if he could have a few minutes of his time. Chico insisted until the man agreed to wait.

Chico entered the dressing room, sat down with paper and pencil, closed his eyes, and began to write. Once again, during the spiritual channelling, the spirit took over Chico's body. When he came out of the dressing room, he approached the man, gave him the letter and told him that it contained important information concerning him and others.

The man took the letter and informed Chico about the encounter his wife had with him and the letter he gave her.

Chico looked pensive. He said he did not recall the encounter since he gives hundreds of letters to people. He depicted himself as a "postman" who delivers letters to people. It was impossible for him to remember his wife. Then, he smiled and walked away. The man slipped the letter into his jacket and went home.

Upon his arrival, he heard his son's voice saying, "Ma Goya." It was coming from his son's room. When he approached the room, he saw his wife listening to a recording she and her son made earlier. Ma Goya was the name her son would call her when they played together. As he entered the room, she was startled to see him there. Knowing that he disapproved, she apologized. He felt that listening to recordings of their son caused her more emotional pain than joy.

Immediately, he told her of his encounter with Xavier Chico. He pulled out the letter and gave it to her. She began to read it. The first words on the letter were Ma Goya. "How could this be?" she said. She continued to read. The letter stated that his friend was not guilty of any crime. They had been playing with the gun when it accidentally went off.

The letter contained detailed information that was undisputable. The husband, who considered himself an atheist, was now questioning his belief system.

Convinced of the validity of the letter, they presented it to the court. After a thorough examination of the letter and signature, experts agreed on its genuineness. The letter was accepted as evidence. It was the first time ever in the Brazilian legal system that the victim acquitted the person charged with his murder.

Xavier Chico, a psychographic medium, who did spirits channeling and wrote 412 books with an estimate of 50 million copies sold worldwide. The books have been translated into 33 languages. All the profits were given to charitable organizations. He kept nothing for himself and denied authorship of any of the books. He was just an instrument used by spirits, or, in his words, "the postman."

Chico Xavier - Medium Channeling Spirits Through Psychographic

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