Healing Stones and Crystals
Spectrolite Crystal and more


Healing Stones and Crystals
Spiritual Healing Energy

Healing Stones and Crystal for Positive Energies

My attraction to crystals began many years ago. I recall visiting Brazil for the first time and purchasing a few stones. Every time I visited Brazil, I would come back with one or two new pieces, and my love for these stones began to grow each time.

Although I was attracted to their brightness and various shapes, I was not aware of their true value or worth. My knowledge was minimal. It was during my recent trip to Brazil that my knowledge of these stones was taken to another level. 

Pierda de Azabache

The first stone I remember from my childhood is called piedra de azabache. Many Latinos wear a bracelet or charm made out of this stone to protect against Mal de ojo, or the evil eye. The evil eye results from envious feelings or "excessive admiration" toward another person.

Many individuals believe that a newborn wearing a bracelet with a small charm or figure of a fist made of this stone shields the baby from all evil eyes.

Labradorite Healing Properties


Recently, I became fascinated with another stone. It was love at first sight. The name of the stone is Labradorite.

According to Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible, “Labradorite is a highly mystical and protective stone, a bringer of light. It raises consciousness and connects with universal energies. Labradorite deflects unwanted energies from the aura and prevents energy leakages…It can take you into another world or into other lives.”

The stone possesses healing powers that are beneficial to treating disorders of the, “eyes and brain.” It is also effective in alleviating cold, gout, rheumatism, spinal column disorders, lowers blood pressure and menstrual tension.

Many individuals believe that this spiritual healing stone helps to overcome anxiety, hopelessness, and depression. It helps the person to reach a balanced and calm state of mind.

“It is also said to have a particularly strong effect on the Throat Chakra, Third Eye/Brow Chakra and Crown Chakra.

Interesting Observation- As I took a look at the picture of the stone, I noticed a face, which I never noticed before. Can you see it?

Lapis Lazuli for Clear Communication

During my trip to Kusadasi, which is situated on the Aegean Sea, I developed a strong fascination with Lapis Lazuli. I bought rings, earrings, necklaces, and much more. Apart from its intense blue color with specks of gold, the stone had an indescribable quality that captivated my interest.

Lapis Lazuli is a semi-precious stone found in Russia, Afghanistan, Chile, Italy, United States, Egypt, and the Middle East.

Due to its dazzling color, it was a favorite of the ancient Egyptians. They used it for amulets and ornaments, and they also ground the stone into a powder and used it as eyeshadow.

Some people believe that the stone possesses spiritual and psychic qualities. It opens up the third eye and enhances dream work. Additionally, it is used as a protective stone and to contact spirit guides.

In Crystal Bible by Judy Hall, she writes that Lapis, “recognizes psychic attack, blocks it and returns the energy to its source.”

As for healing qualities, Lapis is known to alleviate pain-such as migraine headaches, depression, respiratory problems, nervous system problems, throat and thyroid problems, and boost the immune system. Besides, it helps in some cases of hearing loss, insomnia, vertigo and high blood pressure.

Individuals use the stone to release stress, attain a deep sense of peace and balance the throat chakra.

The recommendation of usage is to place the stone near the throat area or third eye.

Spectrolite Meaning and Properties


I recently discovered this stone and found its meaning and healing properties to be quite interesting.

Spectrolite, a rare and mesmerizing gemstone, holds a special place in the world of crystals. Deeply rooted in Finnish mythology, it is believed to be formed from the ethereal Northern Lights, capturing their magical essence within its iridescent play of colors. This Finnish gemstone is a type of Labradorite, but it stands out with its vibrant spectrum of green, blue, yellow, purple, and red hues, making it a true visual delight.

The meaning of Spectrolite is intertwined with themes of transformation and spiritual evolution. It is said to embody the journey of personal growth, helping individuals to enhance their intuition and achieve emotional balance. The stone’s unique properties make it a powerful tool for those seeking to connect with their higher selves and navigate the complexities of their spiritual path.

Spectrolite Healing Properties

extend to both the physical and emotional realms. Its positive energies are believed to:

  • Enhance Intuition and Psychic Abilities: Spectrolite is said to open the mind to higher levels of consciousness, making it easier to tap into psychic abilities and intuitive insights.
  • Promote Emotional Balance and Calmness: The stone’s soothing energies can help to stabilize emotions, providing a sense of peace and tranquility.
  • Encourage Self-Expression and Confidence: By fostering a deeper connection to one’s inner truth, Spectrolite can boost confidence and facilitate clear communication.
  • Protect Against Negative Energies: Acting as a shield, Spectrolite is thought to ward off negative energies, creating a safe and harmonious environment.
  • Foster a Deeper Connection to the Spiritual Realm: This gemstone is said to enhance spiritual awareness, making it easier to connect with higher realms and spiritual guides.

In terms of physical healing, Spectrolite is believed to

  • Aid in the Treatment of Insomnia and Promote Restful Sleep: Its calming properties can help to quiet the mind, making it easier to achieve a restful night’s sleep.
  • Enhance Clear Communication and Self-Expression: By aligning the throat chakra, Spectrolite can improve communication skills and self-expression.
  • Support the Immune System and Promote Overall Well-Being: The stone’s positive energies are thought to boost the immune system and enhance overall health.

Spectrolite Metaphysical Properties

Spectrolite’s metaphysical properties make it a powerful ally for those on a spiritual journey. Its energies are believed to:

  • Enhance Intuition and Psychic Abilities: Spectrolite is said to open the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, facilitating a deeper connection to one’s inner wisdom and psychic abilities.
  • Promote Emotional Balance and Calmness: The stone’s soothing vibrations can help to balance emotions and promote a sense of inner peace.
  • Encourage Self-Expression and Confidence: By aligning the throat chakra, Spectrolite can enhance self-expression and boost confidence.
  • Protect Against Negative Energies: Acting as a protective shield, Spectrolite is thought to ward off negative energies and create a safe, harmonious environment.
  • Foster a Deeper Connection to the Spiritual Realm: This gemstone is said to enhance spiritual awareness, making it easier to connect with higher realms and spiritual guides.

Overall, Spectrolite is a unique and powerful gemstone that offers a range of healing and metaphysical properties. Its deep connection to Finnish mythology and the Northern Lights, combined with its stunning iridescent play of colors, makes it a highly sought-after stone for those seeking to enhance their intuition and achieve emotional balance.

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